pa3gyu wrote:
1. I seem to recall that this was a cheaper route then buying from Germany, but do check for yourself. 2. I seem to vaguely recall that we asked Elecraft to mark the package as 'transmitter', with a special customs-code. I can't recall exactly which code that was, but may be able to retrieve it from an e-mail archive (that is currently on another computer). Contact me directly if interested.

I'm interested in similar info for the UK. I'm led to believe that if it's marked "telecommunications equipment", and especially if marked "kit", I may drastically reduce import duty? Any truth in this? Any other tips?

Similarly, is it likely to be better to order from or themselves? Being part of the EU and all that, I've already paid taxes if I order from .de I think?

"Nosey" Nick Waterman, Senior Sysadmin.
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