Genetic Algorithms would be an extremely inefficient method for solving such a problem where the objective value is so easily measured and the direct effects of the arguments of the objective function (capacitance and inductance) are so easily determined. Wayne's solution is relatively direct and clearly effective. Kevin Rock's proposal, using some method of steepest decent is also of interest. However, anyone who has used a transmatch with tunable input and output will know there arise situations where simple iteration between the two tuning capacitors does not simply walk down a SWR valley. Occasionally one must significantly off-tune one cap to get a lower reading with the other. This, then, is a situation where first derivatives are inadequate and second derivatives are best brought into play. Steepest decent is a "first-derivative only" algorithm. Some form of a DFP or, better yet, Newton's method -- ones that also use the Hessian information -- would be of interest in this context. However, all these kinds of optimization routines are assuming continuous variability of the arguments, C and L. With a very finite number of values of C and L to consider, a tree network with branch-and-bound really seems the way to go. Switches in values that increase SWR are pretty effective means for pruning branches off the tree.

best wishes,

david belsley, w1euy

On Sep 14, 2005, at 9:57 AM, Sanger, Joseph wrote:

Stephen Kercel's suggestion to use a Genetic Algoirthm is brilliant ...
this sounds like a perfect application for these astounding and amazing
techniques. I have had two passions in my life (at least, PG-rated) ... ham radio and genetic algorithms ... own every book ever written on GA's
as well (have even read most of them!) ... (not a lot of real world
experience with GA's of course ... I am more of a theoretician!).

The beauty of the GA's, loosely modeled on the way real DNA and natural
selection work, is that they often finds good empirical solutions to
difficult problems like tuner settings optimization, without the need
for the articulation of the exact methodology used. In other words, all of the factors that Wayne wrestled with become moot ... the GA will find
good solutions to the problem without all the intellectual knowledge of
antennas and radio physics.

I  would encourage any of you who want to have some real fun to search
google and read about GA's.

Joseph Sanger, M.D.


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