Kevin, K4PG and I started the 110 mile trek to Guano Reef in the Florida Keys (Fiesta Key KOA at MM70) at about 9AM. We stopped to visit Tim, N4UM and his son Mike, K4RUM on Islamorada at about 11AM where we enjoyed lunch, a tour of the shack, and the opportunity to watch a huge manatee drink water from Tim's garden hose for about fifteen minutes. We trekked the remaining twenty miles to Fiesta Key, arrived at about 1:45PM, and began setup. It took us only about fifteen minutes to setup the computer controlled, marine battery powered Elecraft K2 station on a picnic table under the chickee at the camp ground and to erect the 4BTV on the nearby seawall. We were up on twenty meters at just after 2PM and took one hour shifts for each of the next six hours. Conditions were fair - even fifteen meters was open - but participation was very light as expected. All afternoon, a thunderstorm hung off to our north and gave us a fairly high noise level. Fortunately, it never did come ashore. Later in the afternoon, the storm clouds gave us one of the most beautiful sunsets ever. As I write this, however, Hurrican Rita is heading directly for the Keys and expected
to cross our exact location this evening!

Tim and Mike came down from Islamorada to visit us around 3PM, but chose not to operate. But at least Kevin and I were able to chat with them since we wouldn't have been able to talk to each other. When they arrived back at their homes, first Mike, K4RUM called us on twenty meters and we walked him through four bands. A few minutes later Tim, N4UM called us and did the same. We tried eighty meters, but apparently we couldn't tickle the 4-band vertical with enough RF there for Tim to hear us. Later in the afternoon, Kevin worked K4P, a special events station set up on nearby Pigeon Key to activate the IOTA. The organizer was Nelson, NE4LS, and I think he later told
me they had about nine operators.

We had planned our six hour operating period to include at least one hour after sunset to give us some forty meter propagation. Unfortunately, the above mentioned thunderstorm prevented us from hearing any but the loudest stations on forty. Kevin did that last hour. I kept urging him to go to forty and log some mults, but since he was wearing headsets, I wasn't hearing the static levels that was making that near impossible. During the last few minutes though, signals starting peaking up and Kevin was able to work a few. In retrospect, we might have done better if we had started an hour or so later giving us more opportunity on 40M. But trying to figure which "six contiguous hours" out of the twelve would have the most participants was a guessing game at best. I beg the contest committee to reconsider that rule and
designate the same six hour period for everyone next year!

Breakdown of the station took about the same fifteen minutes and we were on the road for home by about 8:15PM. Traffic was a little heavier driving back up the Keys and the drive was slow until we hit Homestead and the Florida Turnpike. We finally arrived at my house at about 10:30, dog tired but satisfied that our final operation as the Guano Reef Bashful Perverts was a success. We had been using this same KOA campground for Field Day for almost every one of the past 38 years! But the campground is to close in March and a developer will break ground for condominiums next summer.

This operation is dedicated to Grant, N4GM - the third pervert during our past few Field Days - who was unable to join us this year for health reasons. We also want to thank Pat Larcomb of the Fiesta Key KOA staff for giving us the perfect FD site for each of the past few years, and for day passes in the occasional QRP sprint such as this one.

    Here is the band by band breakdown:

                CW        CW
    band    QSOs      pts   mults
     40       11         110      10
     20       72         720      34
     15       25         250      13
     10         2           20        1
    TOTAL   110   1100     58    SCORE: 63,800

73,     Bob Patten, N4BP                Plantation, FL

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