So, after adding the KAT500, I am enjoying the ever expanding K-Line:  
K3+P3+KPA500+KAT500 but I seem to be at fault more often lately.

I mean, before I got the KAT500 I relied on my Palstar AT1KM manual tuner and 
could easily tune to close to 1:1 and always under 1.5:1 for every band and 
frequency of my operations 80 through 10.  Antennas are 80-meter doublet fed 
with 450-ohm ladder line to 4:1 Balun to Coax for 80-40-30 and then a Traffie 
Hexbeam for 20-17-15-12-10 (no, usually do not need a tuner with the traffie 
but it does improve SWR).

Using the manual tuner, it was very rare, maybe twice a month or so, that I 
would fault the KPA500 due to high SWR.

Now, using the KAT500, faulting the KPA500 is a daily occurrence.  I now almost 
expect that red fault light to come on the KPA500 and the amp switch into 
Standby mode.

What am I doing wrong?  Here is a typical scenario.  I am operating on 3970 KHz 
with a 1.2:1 SWR using the KAT500 and the KPA500 in operation pushing about 475 
watts or so.  Then, I switch to 3569 KHz for some CW traffic net action and now 
with key-down (just a brief dit) I get two very closely related events.  One, 
the KPA500 faults due to high SWR and, two, the KAT500 detects the new 
frequency and changes L&C from memory.  These two events are neck-and-neck 
within one or one-and-a-half seconds time.

So, I know how to avoid this.  I can put the amp in standby first.  Or, I can 
force the KAT500 to retune which inhibits the amplifier.  But, is it necessary 
to put the amp in standby?  Is this what others do?  Also, what good is the 
memory on the KAT500 if I can't make use of it.

I am using all the standard recommended cabling for the KAT500 with a K3 and 


73, phil, K7PEH

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