
I need some advice on a wire beam I built for field day and special events. It has two fiberglass poles 22' long spaced 45' with a wire Moxon for 40 M on the outside and a two element 20 meter beam between the 40 meter Moxon. It has there is little interaction between the beams either by model of by measurement. It is fed with two lengths of RG-58 through 1:1 baluns at the antenna. I designed it using EZNEC, and optimized it for gain with an eye on F/B ratio and impedance. A few days ago I hosted it to 21' for a test. The design was for 30' which will be the actual height in operation. I have a chance to trim it before moving it to the special event location and hoisting it to 30'. Measurement vs EZNEC values for Fo and Zo are as follows at 21' and 30'.

Fo model:  7.26 MHz at 21',  7.19 MHz at 30'
Zo model:  41.85 Ohms at 21', 35.6 Ohms at 30'
Fo actual:  6.93 MHz, at 21'
Zo actual:  50 Ohms, at 21'

Fo model: 14.2 MHz at 21', 14.235 at 30'
Zo model:  35.2 Ohms at 21', 50 ohms at 30'
Fo actual: 13.99 MHz at 21'
Zo actual:  65 Ohms. at 21'

My question is, should I reduce the length of all wires in each beam the % that the frequency is off in each beam and leave the spacing alone, or should I reduce everything? It seems the frequency is off because the model doesn't take into account all of the end effects, but the spacing is not subject to end effects and should be left alone. I have no way to measure accurately measure the elevation angle, gain and F/B ratio.

The .ez files are available for the asking to individuals.

Tnx for your time.

Chs, W1CG
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