Hi Guys, my main rig is a K1 feeding a multi dipole for 80/40/20 with no
ATU. I am thinking of taking down the dipoles and trying a full size G5RV.

  Will the KAT1 ATU tune up on all bands from 80-15m


Howdy Martin:

Since you are planning on using a tuner anyway why not just put up a center fed doublet cut for the longest frequency you want to operate on, say 80m.

Using a balanced tuner like the ZM2 Z-match tuner with this antenna will prove very effective...better than the G5RV I believe.

Remember, the original G5RV was designed to provide a couple of DB's of gain on 20m only.....it was later re-designed a bit to provide multi-band coverage.....certainly not an optimum antenna by any means.

I currently use a 170ft center fed (ladder line) doublet (extended Double Zepp on 40m) with a balun and remote tuner and it is the best wire antenna I have ever put up.

Right now your multi-dipole antenna is about as good as you can get for multi-band coverage and you don't need a tuner with it....so your system is pretty darn good as it is.

Best of luck with your decision.

73, Joe W2KJ

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