Ron & group,

I initially used a predecessor to the Z-11, the LDG QRP autotuner (the early 
version without latching relays) with my (then) basic cw worked pretty 
well....later I added the Elecraft internal K2 autotuner works a 
little better and is much handier (no jumper cables,  no separate power supply, 
etc.), especially when used for portable ops. If you will be operating mostly 
at a fixed location I expect the Z-11 will do fine....if you plan much portable 
ops you will find the internal autotuner worth the money. Maybe sell the Z-11 
to fund the KAT2?..... Just my opinion.

Rich  K2CPE
K2 #1102

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> Has anyone used the Z-11 with their K1? 
> (It's a attempt to save some money by not buying the auto tune option 
> because I already own Z-11). 
> Elecraft web page: 
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