I would trust a Bird43 meter to be more accurate (but even they only claim 5% of full range). I have compared my 1976 era Bird43 with one that is only a couple years old using the same element and had 10% disagreement in readings using a Bird dummy load. My old meter read lower in power.

On another note I have measured the output of my K3 in TEST mode and 1.0mw is pretty close when measured with a HP432A mw power meter. I trust the K3 meter is as accurate as my Bird43.

Power readings into an antenna are relative and will vary with reactance of the load. Not uncommon to see more output than the radio can deliver when into a reactive load. All SWR meters are reading RF voltage on the line and that depends where on the line you look unless the load is perfectly resistive 50-ohms.

I spent about six weeks making coax line loss and matching measurements on my eme array in 2010. Load variations drove me crazy with non repeatable measurements. Only after carefully using the same test leads and loads was I able to get a satisfactory set of measurements (on all 8 antennas). IN the end my line loss came out to 1.7 dB +/- 0.1 dB. I did determine that I improved loss by about 0.2 dB by replacement of bad cables. That represents 5% of my power or 65w. 1.7 dB line loss means I get 68% of my 144-MHz transmit power to the antenna (1000w for 1500w output). The rest is warming my cables (LMR600 and 1-5/8 inch Heliax).

73, Ed - KL7UW

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