
You've made us "Okies" cringe ! (:-))

It the Wichita Mountains ... as in Wichita Falls, etc.

See any map of the area.

Guess you as a Texan you can be forgiven. (:-))



On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Curtis Hays <> wrote:

> **
> I ended up assuming that a coil of wire was long enough for my antenna -
> you know how that must have turned out...  so I stopped at walmart and
> bought a 4 conductor trailer brake light coil of wire 25' long and it
> worked out really well.
> Thanks for all the suggestions from everyone.  The only strange KX3 event
> that happened is at one point I was tuning and when I would stop, the vfo
> would continue to tune up (regardless of my tuning up or down just prior).
> I turned the KX3 off/on and it did it again after a bit of tuning in one
> direction, so I got my video camera on it, turned it off/on again and of
> course with the camera's eye watching, it didn't do it again.  Very strange
> behavior though... Like it went into scan mode, but it was very slow and I
> didn't turn on any scan function.
> If anyone is interested, I made a video of my trip.
> 73,
> Curtis
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 7:16 AM, Joel Black <> wrote:
>> **
>> Okay, a little "redneck-engineering" here:
>> I have 12" vinyl tiles in part of my house.  They work wonders for
>> measuring antennas.  ;)  I cannot remember how many I've built, but I
>> *know* I built a W5YI and a 20m dipole and, possibly, an EFHW using those
>> tiles.  Of course, I break out the tape for inches.
>> As with anything else, YMMV, but it's a quick, easy way to measure.
>> 73,
>> Joel - W4JBB
>> On 1/11/13 8:23 AM, Curtis Hays II wrote:
>> I like how he has the do not use and suggested lengths info.
>>  I think I need a longer tape measure though. My 25' Stanley doesn't
>> work so well at those lengths :)
>>  Curtis
>> Sent from my iPhone5
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