There are various discussions both on and off this list about how to set up the K3 with the Signalink USB when using WSPR, but I ran into a problem with the K3 staying in XMIT after sending was complete. Solutions were available online, just none that solved my issue. These settings got my K3 working on WSPR. The setup listed for the K3 and Signalink are also working with RMS Express and DM-780.

The Signalink USB Interface cable I am using is the SLCABK3. This is the cable that provides Line In, Line Out, and PTT. I did not want to use VOX, and the rear panel PTT jack was already used by a footswitch so I did not use the PTT plug on the Signalink interface cable.

K3 setup:
RS232 cable between K3 and PC (using USB-Serial adapter)
Mode: TX Data
Data Mode: Data A
Config -> PTT-Key -> dtr-OFF

Signalink USB setup:
All controls to midrange
Interface cable plugged into Line In and Line Out jacks on rear of K3
PTT plug not used
Signalink USB jumpers set according to this page, follow directions for K3 using rear panel jacks:

WSPR settings:
Menu Setup -> Station Parameters
PTT method: DTR
PTT port: COM3 (set up according to your own PC port)
Enable CAT -> Selected
CAT port: COM3 (set up according to your own PC port)
Rig number: 229 Elecraft K3
Serial rate: 38400
Data Bits: 8
Stop bits: 2
Handshake: None

Again, these are settings that are working for me that someone else may want to try if they are having issues. I'm not looking for feedback on how I could have done it better, but feel free to reply with your settings.

73, Dennis NJ6G
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