Gang, I was surprised last night when I got a descent low SWR tuning my 
80-meter (ladder-line fed into 4:1 balun) dipole on 160 meters.  I have had the 
KAT500 for a couple of months and I never bothered trying it on 160 meters 
because on all previous attempts with other manual tuners I have failed to get 
a good match.

But, last night, just as a lark, I switched up to 160 meters and gave the 
KAT500 a try.  Sure enough it found a match of 1.05:1 at 1900 KHz with the 
Bypass VSWR reading about 17:1.  Given I have most of the transmission line in 
lower-loss ladder line helps with the losses to the antenna with that high 
bypass SWR.

This was at 100 watts out from the K3.  Now, I decided to give a try with the 
KPA500 in-line at about 475 watts and the best I could get is about 4:1 tuned 
SWR.  Now, I am not quite sure I understand the dynamics of the KAT500 with 
higher power.  This is what I did.  I tuned at 20 watts to the 1.05:1 SWR 
(bypass was ~17:1).  At 100 watts, my LP-100A was still reading about 1.1:1 
SWR.  But, when I turned on the KPA500 (switched out of standby) the reading 
was roughly 4:1 with a fault on the KPA500.  Question, how does the higher 
power affect the match of the KAT500.  I understand how higher power might 
stress the KAT500 with maybe arcing or something but I don't understand why the 
match actually changed unless that higher power caused some change in the 
KAT500 capacitor or inductor components.

73, phil, K7PEH

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