That’s the way it currently works.  I.e., when you select AUTO, or MAN or BYP 
the KAT500 stays that way on all bands.  I train my KAT500 on my three antennas 
on all bands, and then leave it in MAN mode after that.  Bypass is a tuning 
solution when the SWR is low.  When in MANual, the KAT500 still recalls the 
settings and antenna used last on that frequency/band.  Works great.

Phil – AD5X

“I'm using a KAT-500 and am surprised that when I change bands it doesn't 
remember whether it was in Automatic or By-Pass the last time it was on that 
band. If my KAT-500 is set to "Automatic" on one band then it's on Automatic 
for every band change. I'm hoping someone knows of a way to activate a memory 
feature on the KAT-500 so that each band can have it's own setting: 
Auto-Man-Byp.My reason for the "memory" is to eliminate unneeded relay tuning 
and chatter... as on some bands I simply don't need the KAT-500 and I don't 
appreciate it trying to tune every antenna that it thinks needs tuning. (as 
sometimes antennas don't need to be tuned... but the KAT-500 thinks otherwise) 
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