
I am a mostly casual SSB operator and I am loving my K3.   It took a little bit 
of fiddling with to set up it up - I made adjustments to AGC threshold and 
slope.      I enjoyed learning about these settings and was surprised by how 
much they allowed me to adjust the audio for my listening pleasure.   If you 
search the archives here, you will see messages about the K3 being a "noisy 
receiver."     And I thought mine was, too, but those afore-mentioned controls 
do amazing things.  

I am not a EE by background, but I do enjoy learning.   I used Fred Cady's 
(KE7X) book to great advantage in making adjustments … not hard, and something 
to learn.     I followed his step-by-step instructions, and experienced how the 
radio would respond.    

Also, I definitely enjoy reports from listeners that I have "great audio" using 
either my Elecraft MH2 mic or my Yamaha CM500 headset with boom microphone.    
These are unsolicited reports, and I certainly enjoy getting them.    

I bought the K3 last October, and I built it myself - great fun doing that, 
too.   No EE experience required.   And I have made additions to it over time … 
new filters, and the P3.  

I'm operating my K3 with the P3 pan adapter, and wow, is that a fun addition.   
 The P3 has totally changed how I tune in stations, and made it LOTS more fun.  
  Words can barely describe how much fun it is.   

I spend a fair amount of time working at my computer, with the K3 on in the 
background, and I am listening to stations.   I may glance over at the P3 and 
see, on the waterfall display, a new station pop up.    I'll spin the dial, and 
tune them in, and have sometimes been the first to work the DX before a pile up 
developed.    That's fun.     I want to operate my K3 at field day this June … 
and the P3 will be right there next to it.   

The P3 helped me see where a DX station was working split, 5 to 10 up, and I 
was able to see which frequency he appeared to be listening on.    I went to 
that frequency and worked the DX.    The way I did this was to see where he was 
transmitting, and when he was not calling QRZ but speaking to an individual 
whom I could also hear, the water fall display clearly showed the second 

I'm still a casual operator, and my experience has been fantastic with the K3 
and with the P3.    Wouldn't have it any other way.   Now, all I need is more 



On Apr 4, 2013, at 8:54 AM, Tom Branton <> wrote:

Good morning everyone,

I am looking for my forever ham rig and have a concern.  Most of the questions 
and issues discussed here involve fairly technical electronics issues that are 
somewhat beyond my level of understanding.  I am a pretty good CPA but not an 
electronics person at all.

My question, can a casual SSB operator mostly interested in talking with ham 
friends find happiness with the K3?  Will I be in over my head with the 
technology side of the radio?  

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