Hmm. I've no interest in an embedded mic on the KX3. Holding the KX3 like a cell phone seems unwieldy. But then I have never owned a cell-phone (previous employer supplied mine). I would go a month or two and never add personal calls. If I wanted to call home I had a desk phone (more likely I would e-mail). Before I was married only person to talk to was the dog: "HI fido how's it going?" ...."woof!" "Need anything from the store?" ..."woof, woof". You get the picture. Nearest relative is 2,000 miles (e-mail works there, too). If I want to talk to a ham , uh ... there's the ham radio (or e-mail).

I sure don't need a cell-phone inside my KX3 (???). The 2m module would be very nice.

BTW my wife has a simple voice cell-phone with 150-min/mo $30 plan which we share. I use it when I'm on the tower and need a wrench tied on the rope.

My use of the KX3 for voice is either at home, mobile, or portable with external antenna. I do not envision using it like a HT (or cell-phone). BUT that doesn't stop anyone from installing an internal mic if they wish it. It would seem simple to add and operate with VOX.

73, Ed - KL7UW

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