K3 users may wish to try my Macro's for using APF (CW Audio Peak Filter):

"APF ON"  Turns on APF, puts VFO in Fine tune mode (1 Hz resolution):
IS 9999;SWH29;RT1;SWT53;RT0;RT1;SWT49;LK0;

"APF DN" Turns on APF, puts VFO in Fine, turns on RIT and tunes down 20 Hz:
IS 9999;SWH29;RT1;SWT53;RT0;RT1;RD;RD;SWT49;LK0;

"APF UP"  Turns on APF, puts VFO in Fine, turns on RIT and tunes up 20 Hz:
IS 9999;SWH29;RT1;SWT53;RT0;RT1;RU;RU;SWT49;LK0;

"APF CLR"  Turns APF and RIT off, restores tuning resolution to 10 Hz:
SWH29;SWT49;SWT53;RT0;IS 9999;

Note: with APF DN and APF UP, the purpose of shifting the tuning frequency 20 Hz is to ensure the desired signal peaks at a pitch 20 Hz away from the "ring" frequency of the APF. You will have to make some careful adjustments of the APF shift control and the VFO frequency in order to peak the signal with these versions.

Chuck  NI0C

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