
That sounds like something did not get properly soldered, but was making
marginal contact until now.  Look for it on the KSB2 board and/or its
connectors to the RF board for the most likely place.  You may want to just
reflow the solder joints in case there is one that moved on you while it was
cooling - such cold solder joints are often difficult to spot visually.

As a second thought, what kind of antenna are you using?  If you are
experiencing 'RF in the shack', that can cause a myriad of strange things to


> -----Original Message-----
> Murphy's law struck down K2 #4913 today. :-(
> I was taking pre-net checkins for the Central States
> Traffic Net (7.253.5) when I started getting reports
> as if I had a bad antenna connection. Things got worse
> from there. I started getting reports that my audio was
> very garbled. Then the K2 wouldn't return to normal
> recieve after transmitting. If I hit the mode button or
> cycled through the XFIL selections, it would return to
> normal. (When it messed up like this, the rx audio
> sounded very tinny). Then it wouldn't transmit at all.
> Did a full reset - no help.
> I checked my mic on another rig (Alinco DR-610T) and
> it works fine there.
> Help!
>      73 de Ken KGØWX - Flying Pigs #-1055
> Elecraft K2 #4913 - Kadiddlehoppers #11,808

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