Greetings all!

I have recently finished up building #5107 and got it on the air with no smoke 
(yahoo).  After spending the last week building all of the below accessories, I 
am ready to start installing and calibrating them.  In what order should I do 
the RF board mods, install and calibrate.  I have already figured out that the 
battery is going in last.  Any advise from those that do this a lot would be 
appreciated.  I want to get everything in and working so that I can make a 
field trip to my local marine electronics guru who has offered the use of his 
bench to get everything dialed in.


Two errata notes: the instructions on split ring placement for KAT2 are very 
un-clear.  Also in KAT2, C60 and C45 are way too fat for J5 to fit.  I ended up 
using the small blue ones of the same value.  The recent batch of the square 
brick colored ones need to go on a diet.

I am also going to use the now obsolete upper transverter holes for smart 
charger input to the SLA (direct, no diode and resister) and a main switch12v 
accessory out.  I am building an LED night light.  My KX1 convinced me I can't 
live without it.  I found some 2.1 mm power jacks that fit nicely with just a 
touch of file work.  I want to fuse both lines and am curious about the 
re-settable fuse used in the K2.  Would this be the right part to use?


Norm Havercroft

PS ...haven't had this much radio fun in a long time.
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