> Is anyone other than me trying to use a K-1 mobile? If so, what types of  
> antennas are most effective? 

Tried it with a K1 and 40m Hamstick antenna, trunk-lip mounted, 99% of 
operation was RX-only on 40 meter CW.  Worked well!  I also worked a few 
stations with that setup -- weak but carried out the QSO.  I paid no attention 
to fine-tuning for efficiency -- more like "seat of the pants" stuff and 
enjoyed it greatly.  I don't find the K1, K2 or KX1 particularly well suited 
for mobile use *while driving* but they do work well enough, especially for 
casual RX operation.  For the sake of functionality, flexibility, ease of 
installation, suitability to task, and bang for the buck, the 706MkIIG wins.  
My heart and soul remain with Elecraft CW though.  I'll be driving to a 
vacation spot in late November and plan to take the 706 for the road trip but 
will take my Elecraft with me for the week-long stay when we get there!

--Andrew, NV1B

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