Please excuse me people because I am very new to the Elecraft world. Just got 
my K3 7890 on the air and love it so far with the following except. Yes there 
is always an except. 


I have the following filter in my rig. 6kHz, 2.7kHz and 400 Hz for CW. I am one 
of the ESSB guys but I am also a DXer. I have worked them all on the number 1 
ARRL DX Honor roll so I don’t want my rig to just do ESSB audio. I enjoy CW as 
well. SOOOO here is my problem and it is probably my fault because I don’t 
understand the K3 architecture yet.


When I have my 6kHz filter in line, all is well. Band width is 4K top at 4K 
bottom at 0.00 center frequency is 2.00. As long as I stay there all is well. I 
can narrow down my receive and transmit band width by turning the HI/Width knob 
counter clockwise and narrow it down that way. 


But if I want to use the XFIL to select my second filter the 2.8kHz filter it 
will go down to a band width as it should and all is well. Here is the problem. 
When I do an XFIL back to the 6kHz filter it has now a center frequency of 1.5 
and the band with is now about 3.5K. It does not remember how I had it set up 
and I have to manually reconfigure the filter back to how I want it. 


It would be nice if I could be talking to my friends at maybe 4K and if some 

DX comes on the band I would like to pop to my 2.8kHz filter, work the station, 
the go back to my normal chat setup without having to reconfigure it. 


Now have any of you who have a 6kHz filter in position 1 and a 2.8kHz filter in 
position 2 test and see if your rig stays at 4K with a center frequency staying 
where you put it as you go back and forth? If yours does and mine does not, 
maybe there is something wrong with my rig or firmware. 


Any help here? Thanks

 Larry Martus Wassmann 
 Non omnis moriar 
 (Not all of me will die) - - - The good I do will live forever.
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