
On the Tx alignment - it is easier to detect a small increase in output than
it is to hear an increase in signal with your ears (as in the Rx alignment).
I agree that re-doing the 20 meter 'presetting' both times is not necessary.

I recommend that you go back and peak up the bandpass in Tx mode - you
should only have to move the slugs and trimmers a small bit to hit the peak.
Just remember to observe the band sequence - adjust the inductors first and
then adjust the capacitive trimmers afterwards.
If you have the k160 option installed, you may have to compromise on the
setting between 80 and 160 meters.


> -----Original Message-----
>     My K2 sn 3354 lives....thank you to everyone on the reflector for
> helping me debug the couple of problems I have had along the way. If I
> may make a comment about Page 74 in the manual TX alignment -
> I found it curious that once the RX had been set up one has to repeat
> the same procedure for TX alignment. In my case when aligning the TX for
> 20 Meters the output power went haywire after I set C21 and C23 to their
> mid point settings and started adjusting L8 and L9.  To cut a long story
> short I went back to the RX pre alignment stage and set C21 and C23, L8
> and L9 for maximum signal strength. Then I returned to Tx Alignment
> without changing the settings...the tx power was stable at 2 watts...I
> then checked all of the other bands for tx power without altering the
> settings from Rx and all seems to be well...i.e 2 watts on the POWER
> control, 2 watts out...on the Motorola test set. So I do not intend to
> carry out any TX alignment...unless someone can explain why I should.

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