Hello all I have K2 4320 with ssb module
I have noticed that I do not get any real drive out of
what ever mike that I have used. it is presently wired
Yaesu for a mh 36 mike. But I also have a md1 yaesu
mike that will also work on it. but it too does not
seem to have enough drive.
with the mike and compression seeting to max I can get
1 alc bar and that is it. also I get reports that My
audio is flat Not bad but flat. I have gone in per the
manual to try and taylor the audio but with no avail
it does not do anything for the drive.
So I put the settings back to where they were. Is it
possible the alc is holding back the drive?
Any suggestions or mods I can do for this?? it is the
2.3 rev. July 2004
K2 4320

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