Thanks Don, I think I can get a handle on most of that except the swapping LSB/USB. If my interpretation is correct I should generally set the K2 to RTTY without Rev and it'll automatically select LSB or USB depending upon band? Rev would be used only in special circumstances? I'll dig through the parts box for a capacitor tomorrow, get the filters set up again, and give it a shot.

Thanks. 73, Dennis

On 2/19/2014 8:44 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:

First a clarification - if the band is below 15 meters, RTTY is LSB and RTTY REV is USB. You don't have to worry about that on bands above 15 meters because the K2 automatically makes the corrective swap, but when aligning the filters, use a band below 15 meters so as not to mix the sidebands.

Secondly, since you run out of range when aligning the 400 Hz filter width at 1000 Hz, your BFO range is not correct (too high) on the low frequency side. That can usually be corrected by adding a small value capacitor (10 pF to 22 pF) between the junction of the crystals and C174 and ground - a capacitor between pins 6 and 3 of U11 is a good place to insert it. Check the BFO range against the manual range limits after adding the capacitor and adjust the capacitor value as required.

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