It sounds like you need a "Hotel Filter", Dale, tunes out any within 5 miles of an AM BC tower

Hmm ... sort of a ham radio Trip Advisor!

73, Phil w7ox

On 2/21/14, 6:02 PM, Dale - K7DNH wrote:
I believe I have finally experienced broadcast interference... at least I
hope that is what it is...

On 4th floor of hotel with a balcony and strung out a LnR Precision 40/20
End Fed antenna across parking lot to large pine tree with strain relief
polyester antenna rope so coax connection at end of antenna (has built-in
balun) was 10 feet from building, and opposite end had over 50 feet in the
clear with same type rope - with antenna having slight, normal sag of maybe
1 foot. I have used this set-up several times at various hotels... last time
just the day before but in different city. (Sunny San Diego first of week,
Drizzly Portland, OR now... Wish some of the rain would head further south
into Reno for drought relief!!

I have MINIMUM of S10 to sometimes S30 noise level  - and any time I do get
some type of voice it is all pretty garbled. Checked mode, LSB/USB -  all
connections several times, same on different bands... and when I checkered
WWV on 5 I could hear what I think was local AM station a bit "clearer"!
Just trying things I reloaded a saved config file, even tried EEINT and
reloaded again - no change whatsoever.

Well, sun came out late this afternoon.. and one can see more than 100
yards...and across the freeway stands 3 large towers!!!  Maybe this was
overloading far beyond what the KX3  ATU can handle?.... as I read somewhere
it has broadcast filters built into the ATU.

Any recommendations on a external filter I can buy, so during my evenings in
hotels when I travel I don't experience this again?? PIA to use my
slingshot/fishing line to string an antenna in the drizzling rain for


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