I've been using one of the RS-60CF headsets for several months. I got the electret microphone element, mainly because I've got an old Shure 444D desk mic I sometimes use, and I didn't want to fool with the radically different output level from the Heil dynamics. I'm by no means a dedicated phone operator, but the Radiosport mic has worked well in getting me heard through the sometimes raucous W1AW/* pileups and in a few contest sessions.

Prior to getting the Radiosport headset I had been using a CM-500. It worked OK and I didn't need to change any level settings or EQ when I replaced it with the Radiosport mic. The Yamaha is certainly a good value for the money, but it doesn't come even close to the Radiosport set in terms of build quality, comfort and outside sound attenuation. I've found the RS-60CF (and the headphones only RS-20 variant) to be by far the most comfortable headset I've ever used. It's the only one that I've been able to use for the full 24 hours of Sweepstakes CW with essentially no discomfort. I know K9YC finds it uncomfortable, but as far as I know he's the only person I know of reporting this. YMMV.

If you're concerned about whether you'll find it uncomfortable, perhaps you should see if you can find someone who has one he'll let you try out. You certainly should get great results with the electret mic feeding a K3. I don't think you'll be disappointed with the RS-60CF in any way.

Randy, W8FN
On 3/17/2014 6:40 AM, Richard Thorne wrote:
I'm interested in the Radiosport Headset.

The website (www.arlancommunications.com) recommends the electret mic, however, I'm currently using a Heil dynamic mic which works quite well.

If anyone is using the Radiosport headset I would appreciate any info on which mic element you are using and how you like it.


Rich - N5ZC

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