Paul asked:
I only have a QRP K2 but just would like to know what the min power a K2/100
will run at with the power know turned down ,

 and what current does it draw at low power compared to the barefoot K2?


When you turn the POWER below 10 watts the KPA100 is automatically switched
out of the circuit, so it's just a "barefoot" QRP K2 at those power levels. 

If you're providing 13 VDC only to the high-current power connector on the
KPA100, it'll draw between 200 and 400 mA even when it's not being used. 

If you want, you can power the K2 QRP circuits through the small power
connector on the back of the K2 and power the KPA100 separately through its
high-current Anderson connector. If you do that, when you remove power from
the Anderson connector the current drain to the K2 is the same as any "QRP
K2". You'll get a warning on the K2 display that you don't have amplifier
power. To switch to QRO mode all you need to do is furnish 13 vdc to the
Anderson connector on the KPA100. 

The system is designed to work FB that way with two power supplies. 


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