
Some folks seem to make a mountain out of a molehill IMHO.  If you order the
KAT100 that fits into the EC2 enclosure, all the 'hooks' for mounting the
KPA100 in the same enclosure are already on the KAT100 board, it is just a
matter of plugging it in.

All that is required to operate the KPA100 remotely (without the KAT100-2)
is a short piece of coax with BNC connectors and a short special cable with
DE-9 male connectors on each end (pins 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 connected at
each end).  The cable plugs into the AUX I/O jack on both the K2 and the
KPA100 - everything else is optional and can be added at the builders

I mounted a BNC connector in the rear lower panel of my EC2 and soldered one
of the large headers (like the AUX RF header) onto the back of it, and I
just plug the input RF coax into it when mounting the KPA100 - even that is
not necessary, one could snake a piece of RG174 coax out the back of the EC2
with a small notch in the rear panel and solder the KPA100 end directly to
the circuit board.  There are several workable possibilities, but none need
to be complex.

Of course, the base K2 needs to have the KIO2 installed if you want to do it
this 'easy' way, and the 15 uH miniature inductor on the KIO2 Aux board
should be changed to one that can handle increased current - a small toroid
is usually recommended.

When one also desires to connect a computer to the K2 (or K2 plus KPA100),
you must add a tail going to the computer from the K2 end of the DE9 cable
that connects the K2 and KPA100, but that is nothing more complex than
wiring a similar cable for use with the KAT100 or any of the transverters.
If you do not intend to add the computer connection, the short cable between
the K2 and KPA100 is all that is required.


> -----Original Message-----
> I have researched putting my KPA-100 in a seperate enclosure and
> running my
> K-2 in its original mode. However, what seems to me to be a
> simple project of
> extending cables and plugging them in when I need the amplifier is very
> complicated according to the reflector. I am not very good at
> this, but was able
> to complete the Elecraft kits due to their excellence.
> If some one (hopefully Elecraft) could make up a kit for remoting the
> KPA-100, I would be very appreciative, and I would buy it. My bet
> is that a lot  of
> others might buy it also. For my purposes, I just need to use the
> amplifier
> without changing the case and be able to go back to using the rig
> QRP (unplug
> the amplifier).
> Is my only alternative to order more of that multi-colored cable
> and other
> plugs and connectors from Elecraft and run the whole mess out the
> back of the
> case of both the K-2 and the EC2 I need to buy? Thanks for
> anyone's help...72,
>  Ci
> Ci Jones,  WU7R (K-2/100 #4615, K-1 #933, KX-1 #957)
> FISTS #10789
> NAQCC #306
> ARCI  #12163

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