
I did my second «One Antenna, Two Radios» interface. I had this time an ajustable RF amplifier to compensate for the loss by splitting the signal. I only had what is loss... around 3 dB, no more. The design could be used for more than 2 input/output because the gain is «ajustable».

I also had a few LED to show the status when TX, ON or even when the rf amp is ON. If I disconnect one radio, I am able to switch off the amp because there is no more attenuation, so I will keep my signal a «original» as it were before.

I really think that I convinced that I can easely add another K2 in my shack.... the next step will be... One mic, two radios... and two K2's !!!

If you want to take a look...


It took me more hours than expected... I like to do thing properly... maybe sometime too much, but anyway... it works great !!!


/¯\/¯\/¯\/¯\/¯\/¯\   JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD
 V  A  2  V  Y  Z

FISTS #11896
Elecraft K2 #4130
Elecraft KX1 #999


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