I was 14 years old when I got the ham "bug", and found a HS class to
learn for my Novice test. The instructor became my elmer, though
that term was not yet invented. He allowed me to borrow the
instructograph between weekly classes so that was my first
practise. I produced clicking and not a tone, of course.
Later I built my first receiver and was able to put into oscillation
to work as a code practise oscillator using a straight key. So I
alternated from listening to 40m CW to sending code to myself. I am
sure that helped me start hearing words vs characters. First words I
learned were: "CQ". "de", my call, "test", "name", "RST", etc.
I am not a great CW op and very rusty at more than 10wpm. But
listening to 15wpm signals is the quickest way to get back up. I
used to have a great fist at 18wpm on my straight key. I make a few
mistakes these days!
I bought a Bencher paddle but it is so foreign to me vs a straight
key I just haven't mastered it. Perhaps if I used a keyer that
allowed me to use it like a bug it would help. Iambic just is strange.
will give you a little trip to the good ole days!
73, Ed - KL7UW
"Kits made by KL7UW"
Dubus Mag business:
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