I passed my 5WPM test on Saturday (yay!) so I'm trying to get my
new-to-me KX1 (s/n 1049) on the air. I bought it from the original
constructor, and I thought it had been used to make QSOs, but ...
I found the ATU in 'cal' mode, which makes me suspicious (that
took me a little while to figure out).

I'm using a doublet made from 24g zip cord (it's what I had handy):
24 feet split and 40 feet non-split as feedline (based on an idea
from Bob NW8L). The ATU will now tune it to 1.0; that's great.
Unfortunately, I can't hear anything except band swish and the
occasional motorboat. 

I can tune WWV dead on 10.000 but can only barely make out the
rhythmic beat of the seconds as they go by - the voices are never
intelligible, in fact, barely audible. (Hmm. Is that even right?
This is in 'normal' CW mode, which I understand to have a built
in receive offset?)

I can't believe that the bands are as dead as I perceive them to be,
so I'm going to go through the receiver alignment again. Any other
suggestions of what to look for while I've got it open on the bench?

I have a synthesized RF generator and will try using that. Would someone
be so kind as to tell me what 'S9+20dB' is in units that my generator
understands (uV), to adjust the S-meter?


73 de chris K6DBG/AG 
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