
I suggest that you tackle the voltage drop problem before investigating the
current draw.  What size wire are you using for the power wiring? - it
should be 16 guage or larger.  Next check all the connections from the power
supply to the K2 - they should be tight or well soldered.  If no problem is
discovered in the power supply wiring itself, measure the voltage at the
power supply output terminals under the load in transmit - compare to the K2
display.  The K2 display should show about 0.3 volts less than the power
supply output due to the protective series diode.

Lastly, check the soldering in the K2 12 volt path to be certain there are
no high resistance solder joints.

Once you get the voltage drop under control, the current should fall in line
with what is expected.  You receive current draw is about normal.


> -----Original Message-----
> Power supply: SEC 1223 (23A)
> Unit type: K2, no options installed
> Passed Alignment and test, Part II
> Passed all resistant checks
> Baseline voltage and current (backlight on)
> 13.5v, 0.24A
> Transmit voltage and current into Elecraft 20W Dummy load (Using TUNE
> function)
> At 5W: 12.7v, 1.84A
> At 10W: 12.1v, 2.98A
> The current draw seems far too excessive given the suggested range in the
> manual. What components could potential cause this problem? The
> voltage drop
> seems high as well given the capacity of the PSU.
> Thanks,
> Kathy
> *Merry Christmas!*

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