Do not use ALC to throttle K3 power levels. Regardless of what amp
manufacturers say, ALC used in that fashion is one of the worst generators
of splatter and key clicks around. They say that to keep amps from being
blown up by severe overdrive and returned under warranty.

Just don't connect it. Power levels are remembered by band/mode/ant on your
K3 and you can set power output for safe clean rated operation of your amp.

73, Guy K2AV

On Thursday, April 2, 2015, AB2E Darrell <> wrote:

> Hello all,
>        I am the proud new owner of a new K3. I am also the proud new owner
> of an SPE Expert 1.3K-FA solid state amp, and I have a question for the
> group regarding interfacing the K3 to the amp.
> My current setup is using my Icom 756 Pro III with the SPE Expert 1.3K-FA.
> The recommended setup for Icom was to connect both the Relay and ALC cables
> between the rig and amp. This is because the software in the amp
> automatically reduces the power in the rig to the best output level for the
> amp (on the amp LOW=500W out= 3W drive, MID= 1000W out= 6W drive, HIGH =
> 1500W out = 9W drive). It works flawlessly. Actually, I could leave the
> power on the Pro III untouched, and the amp reduces the power accordingly.
> My question for the group is, is there a way to allow the K3's output to
> be controlled by the amp? I see the note on p27 about not using an amp to
> control the K3's output, but wonder if there is a safe way to do it. For
> instance, could the K3 be set to say 15W out on all bands via the menu,
> then allow the amp to control the output via ALC for optimum drive?
> Any info and comments appreciated.
> 73 Darrell AB2E
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