My K3 serial number is 1322; it is of 2008 vintage.  I loaded beta 5.26
firmware because I installed a newly purchased KXV3B transverter/preamp

Today I noticed that new firmware version 5.29 was available.  When I
read the release notes, it looked like the release would not affect my
old K3, only newly minted K3S rigs.

But when I checked CONFIG:EXT ALC under version 5.26, I found the
setting to be ON t-5.5.  I changed this to OFF t-4.0, the default
according to the K3 manual.  (Numeric keypad 1 toggles between ON and
OFF, although the manual isn't specific.)

Then I cycled the power on my K3, a normal shutdown and startup.
Sadly, CONFIG:EXT ALC was back to ON t-5.5.

At that point, I decided that I had better install firmware version
5.29.  After its installation, I found the default CONFIG:EXT ALC
setting, which persisted after power cycling.  This is my preferred
setting, as I have nothing capable of more than 100 watts.

I also tested my K3 to see if version 5.29 would incorrectly reset a
non-default CONFIG:EXT ALC back to the default after power cycling, but
that problem did not occur.

Anyone who has loaded firmware version 5.26 would do well to replace it
with version 5.29 and then to check CONFIG:EXT ALC for his preferred

Incidentally, I also looked at CONFIG:ADC REF, which I vaguely recalled
setting some time back.  It showed the non-default value 4.94 under
both firmware versions 5.26 and 5.29, which caused me no concern.

73, Paul W8TM

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