
Vic and Roger already gave you the two best answers for the potential cause.
Check RFC15 with an ohmmeter first (do not depend on a test which checks the
voltage on each end of RFC15 - the voltage can read the same and it still
can be open).

If RFC15 is OK, then start looking for whatever things could cause magnetic
coupling into the cores of T5 and L30. Move the K2 as far away from
transformers as possible is the best solution - Elecraft does have an
optional kit to magnetically shield T5 should you find that is the only


> -----Original Message-----
> I've got a problem in my K2 that is really noticable in CW, although
> it is there in all modes.  When tuning a CW or plain carrier signal,
> instead of getting just a single pure tone, there is a second tone in
> there modulating with the original one.  It makes the CW tones sound
> like a buzz instead of what they should sound like.

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