Good Evening,
Well that was fun! Twenty meters changed within ten minutes of the start. I was met by a wall of sound when I first called CQ so I had to do it again to sort them out. That was nice. I know I missed a few of you as you faded out before I had a chance to work you. I worked poor Tom twice as hard on twenty but he was up to it and gained a few more the second time around. On forty meters things were very interesting. Four folks worked as NCS: me, then Tom, then Dave, K4TO, and then Bill, K1EV. It was quite a bit of fun to follow what I could as each worked around the country. The stations calling from the East were quite strong here but they each complained of QSB on my signal. Thus when K1EV checked in with a fantastic signal I had him call the net from Connecticutt. The loudest signal on 40 was Ken's vertical from North Dakota. I just about turned him down because my ears were ringing :) I hope I have Rick in the correct state. Last week he was in Arizona but he sounded like he was working me from home in Palmer, Alaska. I am sure I will find that out soon. He had QSB on his signal so I got about half. John, N6JW also had QSB on his signal but I got his new (?) rig signed in so the serial number list is growing. This was also the first time I have worked Sonny from West Virginia without a relay. I may just have to send him a QSL card to hopefully get one in return. I may just gather all the cards for CW WAS one day. I've worked all the states but simply have not put in the effort to collect cards. ECN is close to WAS but the elusive Delaware has still not appeared nor have we had anyone from the lovely state of South Dakota check in. I think it would be nice to work someone from the top of Harney Peak. How about it for a nice outing next Summer? Is anyone game for a little hiking? I do have a problem with one call. N6IJ is listed as a club call from Monterey. This may or may not be the station worked on ECN. Fills/corrections? If I missed you this evening I am sorry. QSB and rapidly changing propagation conditions was causing problems for us all. However we had a pretty full house tonight as you can tell from the two lists.

On 14050.50 kHz at 2255z:
K2HYD - Ray - VA - KX1 - 608
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
K4BEH - Pat - GA - K2 - 5041
NN8K - Sonny - WV - K1 - 380 First time I've worked him direct. Good signal tonight Sonny!
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
W0QQS - Bruce - MN - 42 - 3646
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398   QNI #20!
KS4L - Randy - AL - K2 - 337
N6JW - John - CA - K1 - 1642
N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227
K7KBS - Geoff - MT - K1 - 1158 Should this really be listed as a K2 instead of a K1?

On 7045 kHz at 0155z:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
N2HTT - Mike - NY - KX1 - ?
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
K4TO - Dave - KY - K2 - 4117
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968    QNI #85!!
K2HYD - Ray - VA - KX1 - 608   QNI #55!
AK2B - Tom - NY - K2 - 4482
AA2BN - John - NJ - ?? - ??
W1EUY - Dave - MA - K2 - 744
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
K4NVJ - Joe - AL - K1 - 764
N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227
KS4L - Randy - AL - K2 - 337
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798
K1EV - Bill - CT - K2 - 2152
W0QQS - Bruce - MN - 42 - 3646
W1TF - Ty - GA - K1 - 1423
N6IJ - Monterey Bay Amateur Radio Association ??? I think I may have a broken call here

Thank you for the fun. I enjoy the work of keeping track of all the details but you all are the ones who make these nets enjoyable. It is nice to hear all of the weather and propagation reports from around the continent. Poor Ric will have to shovel out tomorrow if the snow ever lets up. Sounded cold but I would enjoy being snowed in at that temperature. Let's see: green wax or maybe special green :) It would be nice to have dry snow skiing again. Here in Oregon it is purple or red klister at best. Very sticky, yucky stuff but if you love skiing you'll use it. Now blue klister, frozen with a layer of blue or green hard wax over the top is not too bad. I'll take those snow conditions any day! The best, in my humble opinion, is special green or even polar. Between -10 and 15 degrees F is very nice skiing. Just cool enough to where you don't overheat but not so cold as to make the snow sticky.

Oregon is currently very windy with precipitation falling. What form of precipitation changes by the minute. Right now I can not hear anything hitting the roof so it is most likely snowing. However, the wind is causing the lights to flicker. I may lose power tonight so I will ship this off ASAP after I give it the once over for glaring errors. Please send any fills or corrections and I will change the database to reflect them as soon as power returns again tomorrow (if we lose it that is).

Stay warm, stay dry, and keep your rigs on the air,
      Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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