I recently installed a KBPF3A in the sub receiver. I've been surprised to discover on direct A/B comparisons using the same antenna that my old TT Jupiter is much more sensitive on the broadcast band. A station that comes in at S-6 on the Jupiter is maybe an S-2 on the K3s. This is very noticeable to the ear, as you might imagine. I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed that the KBPF3A is not exactly optimized for the broadcast band.

Also, I have another issue related to the Jupiter and the K3s. I tried to install my new SP3 so that I could switch between using it with the K3s and the Jupiter with the front switch. However, when I hook the K3s to the SP3 when the Jupiter is connected, it immediately mutes the speaker. I can then switch to the K3s connection, and it's working fine. Switch to the Jupiter and it's muted, unless I physically disconnect the K3s in the back of the SP3. I've looked at the rather simple schematic of the SP3, and I can't figure out why this is happening. It appears to me that something must be shorting ring and sleeve in the K3s, but I can't exactly figure out how his can be happening. Any help would be appreciated.


Carl Jón Denbow, N8VZ
17 Coventry Lane
Athens, Ohio 45701-3718


IRLP 4533   Echolink 116070

PSK and JT65 Forever!

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