Its come to our attention that some list members have sent **private** emails chastising or criticizing others who may have made a comment or posted a question to the list. This is in direct violation of our "keep it friendly" list policy.

A note to aspiring list police: Please restrain the urge to
email someone or the list admonishing them about a posting. The last
thing we want to do is to scare anyone off the list. As the 'official'
list Cop, I'll jump in as necessary to keep everything orderly. I do
this off line and occasionally to the list when it is appropriate. Our
goal is to keep the Elecraft list a fun, informative central clearing
house for Elecraft and Ham Radio related information and enthusiasm.

All questions are welcome, and it is in direct violation to
personally criticize a poster for making a post with abusive emails. (Even if the information they seek is basic, is on our web page or is available via the list archives, its OK to ask about it.)

Anyone receiving private emails (via the list or direct email) belittling or chastising them regarding a post should **forward** that post to me as list manager. List members who violate this guideline by abusing others risk permanently being removed from the email list.

It is also not necessary to defend Elecraft and to personally criticize a poster who has a critique or problem with our radios. (We have pretty thick skins ;-) We want to hear critical input so we can continue to improve our products and make them the best possible. Its certainly OK correct posters if their information is incorrect, and to help them with questions or misunderstandings, but please do it politely and with respect.

Overall, the primary list guideline is to keep all discussions cordial and polite on the list and on follow up private emails related to list discussions. There is no place for belittling or chastising of list members when you do not think they should have asked a question or made a post, or if you disagree with their point. Its OK to have polite disagreements and discussions, but not to make it personal.

All questions are welcome. Period.

The bottom line:
If you have a question -     POST IT.
If you are having fun -      POST IT.
If you are having problems - POST IT.
If you have a suggestion -   POST it.

If you have a complaint about the list or another poster - do not post it to the list. Please send it to me. We'll jump on it right away.

73, Eric   WA6HHQ
Chief Elecraft cheerleader and list Moderator.

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