
I can only guess, but that kind of behavior strongly suggests an
intermittent connection (read = bad solder joint) somewhere.  I only know of
one other person who leaves their K2 powered on all the time - and Steve
follows this reflector, so perhaps he will provide his experience.


> -----Original Message-----

> For the last 6 months, K2 #4913 has performed almost flawlessly - almost.
> Several times, I've returned to the shack and turned up the AF
> gain to find
> that the XFIL setting had changed.
> See, I never turn 4913 off - I just put all the controls and filters to a
> default setting, stow the
> mic and paddles then turn the AF gain down all the way. It's an old
> habit....
> So, I come back to the shack to find XFIL set to 1 yet the rx
> audio is very
> narrow. Cycling through
> the XFIL selections, returning to #1, restores the audio. This
> has happened
> about 4 or 5 times
> since March.
> Anyone with a guess?
> Ken KG0WX
> K2 #4913, XG2,
> Tenna Dipper, HLA-150

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