I've been enjoying operating my K2 for quite a while now - but one thing has
bothered me and that is my alignment of the CW and SSB filters - my main
problem is that I only have a basic understanding of what I'm doing - I feel
I need a better understanding which will result in a better alignment of the
filters for both modes - 
 - here's what's bothering me - I can tune in a cw signal on the widest
filter position XFIL#1 and when I switch to positions 2, 3, & 4  [I've set
them for 1.50, 700, 400, 100 cycles], I either lose the signal and have to
retune for it or the signal is there but certainly a different tone and down
in volume - it seems to me that if I have them set right, I shouldn't have
to retune and the volume should be ok - 
 - so I got out my N0SS noise generator and put a new battery in - booted up
the 10 minute Spectrogram program, set it's parameters according to
instructions I printed off the Elecraft Builders' Resources, set markers at
600 & 2000 hz and turned on the noise generator - then I went through all
the steps, 1 through 15, for the CW alignment and adjusted the waveforms for
each position - then returned the K2 to normal operation - 
 - I tuned in a 40 mtr cw signal in the widest position, then switched in
the next xfil position - the signal disappeared and I had to retune it in -
then when I switched XFIL through the other positions I didn't have to
retune - maybe I've made some progress seeing I don't have to retune xfil
positions 2,3, & 4 - 
 - so I'm looking for suggestions on how to approach this procedure so I can
tune in a cw signal in position 1 and then switch in xfil positions 2,3, & 4
and not lose the signal -  then of course I'll be looking at SSB - tnx & 73

72/73 - Bruce ve5rc/ve5qrp - QRP-C#1, QRP-L#886, A1 Operator
            Enter QRP-Canada's "RUN with RAC" contest -            
            details - http://www.qrp-canada.com 

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