My understanding is that you peak the gain at 145.5 in order to
achieve a reasonable compromise between gain and noise figure at the
low end of 144 ..

de w1rt/john

> Hi Guys
> Thanks Don, Matt and others answering on my issue.
> I have now seen the light. I was deeply in to a engineering mode, where i 
> tried to do everything according to spec. The spec on the XV144 say
> IF input from 28MHz to 30MHz and a output from 144-146 MHz. Then the thing 
> need to operate in that area and the natural place for alignment
> would be 145MHz in the midt of the window. And being in engineering mode my 
> thinking was that the K2 was designed to match the XV144
> Now you guys brought me back to real world. Why would I run the transverter 
> with K2 That do not do FM above 144.8, that in Denmark are
> the border line to the the FM area (144.8 and up.)
> So trying to cover most used areas for CW and SSB i should properly align at 
> 144.3. Where the output from K2 should be at full level and no
> issues should be seen.
> Sometime i guess my education is of no use where looking at all the spec and 
> stuff are the thing to do, when just a little common sense it
> needed. :-)
> Br.
> OZ1BZJ Michael
> A engineer proberly expirence what one rock band has called a Momentary Lapse 
> of Reason
> On Tue Feb 21 23:15 , "Don Wilhelm" sent:
> Michael,
> That is normal - the K2 spec for 10 meter coverage is 28.0 to 28.8 MHz at 10
> watts output and it falls off more rapidly at the high frequency end than
> the low end.
> You may be able to increase the usable coverage at the expense of the
> maximum available output by peaking the 10 meter bandpass filter at some
> frequency higher than the 28.2 point that is indicated in the manual. I
> would suggest peaking at 28.8 or even higher if you need to achieve good
> power output over the entire 28.0 to 30.0 MHz. If you do that, check the
> maximum power output at both ends of your chosen band and try to balance the
> maximum available power at both ends - adjust the peaking frequency up or
> down to achieve good coverage over your desired range.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > The SSB Firmware was ok, version 1.8 so no problem there.
> >
> > Now i have found the issue on the K2, but not the solution. The desribed
> > issue seen on the low power out are comming from the 28-30 Mhz.
> > if i check
> > indicated power by the internal powermeter it drops over the
> > freq. with the
> > power set for 5W i do reach 5.4 W on 28 Mhz at 29 Mhz it is 4,9, still ok
> > but at 30 Mhz it is down at 0,3 W
> > So trying 10 W 29 Mhz only goes to same 4.9, so a rolloff on increasing
> > freq. are seen. Proberly normal, but passband seems to be to narrow ???
> >
> >
> > Any idea is this normal ??
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Br.
> >
> > OZ1BZJ
> > Michael
> >
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