  Glad you had nice wx and had an opportunity to put your K2 to the task.

  I wonder what radials you were using on the MP-1.  I have found in the past 
that without 32 1/4 wave (20m) radials the antenna was squat.  I've tried using 
the MFJ whip, but it is just too much for the tripod mount.
  A bigger question to the group, the MP-1 is a nice product and well 
constructed, but what have other folks done to improve Rr (radiation 
  Joe N9JR
Ed Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Hi everyone. With the weather being bright and sunny and 48 degrees I 
decided to take the K2 out to the back yard and see how 5 watts and battery 
power would work in the bottom of the solar cycle.

I mounted my MP-1 on my water meter post with the base off the ground by about 
3 1/2 feet. the radials were splayed at roughly 90 degree intervals around the 
antenna. I fired up the K2 at 5 watts and checked into both the Maritime Mobile 
Net and the YL System. Got anywhere from 5x5 to 5X9 reports from the east 
coast, Canada and the southeast from here in south central Iowa. All stations 
had positive comments on the audio. 
The K2 never ceases to amaze me and to think during the building process I was 
ready to take a sledge hammer to it. Taking a hiatus from building and 
encouragement from you folks here on the reflector helped me realize a 
successful build not to mention just simply a great kit from Elecraft. I musn't 
forget Gary Surrency for finally getting me to see the forest in spite of the 
trees. I plan to build another K2 one of these days but not sure if I'll sell 
this one or keep it as a testemant to both my inclination to ineptness and 
stubborness and still be successful. 

Thanks again folks and thanks to the Elecraft support.

73, Ed N0EHQ K2 #4595
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