After I got home from dinner I worked my CW mentor for about an hour on 40 meters with my K2/100. That was fun. Then I got back to my NC2030 and got another stage debugged and working as per directions. Then I got on the computer and banged out a bit more of the Barnes-Hut algorithm I am working on. Tomorrow I get paid to attend a robotics seminar. Can life get any better?

Amateur radio is almost as much fun as what I do for a living ;) The Elecraft CW Net is great fun but what can compare to designing robots? This one is to capture infrared data from a helium blimp, transmit it via RF, capture it on the other end, and overlay the data with other data gathered on the ground. I also got to design and build the antennas on both ends of the system. My grad thesis project is starting to pay a few dividends.
   Take care,
       Kevin.  KD5ONS

PS.  Now I better do the dishes :)
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