
Very pleasant autumn/winter so far with K2/100 on the Topband.

Yesterday I took my K2 home for re-alignment. I noticed that KAF2 was making
my RX worse. I wonder, if there is some problem with low-pass filter or
other part of KAF? I will check soldering and components later. Audio filter
has been most unused option in my radio. Normally it doesn't help anything.
It doesn't help at all with weak signal RX. I left KAF2 out when I put radio
back together. I used unmodules to replace it.

Otherwise K2 seem to be now in better condition. I re-adjusted IF-amplifier.
Also did all CW filters with spectrogram. Now I set 1.5 k, 700, 450 and 100
Hz bandwidths. Before I had OPT1, 700, 400 and 200 Hz. Now I can hear
signals with 100 Hz setting, before at 200 Hz it was quite useless.

I also checked VCO voltage for 160m, never checked that after K160RX was
installed. I remember that it should be also 1.5 - 7.5 V. Bottom of band is
OK around 3.8 V, but when go up to 2000 kHz it is over 8 volts.It is below
7,5 V on the band segment which is used here (<1900 kHz). Should I make

Waiting for better conditions to make more observations of re-aligned K2.

Jukka Tarvainen, OH4MFA
K2/100 #4293


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