Apologies for the off topic post, but thought someone on the reflector with 
more technical savvy than me could point me in the right direction. I've tried 
the FT1000mp reflector, but was no help.

My FT1000mp failed on me at the weekend, that 18 and 21mHz bands have gone deaf 
and I have no output power. The problem is sporadic, and the rig seems Ok, when 
I turn it on cold, but after 20-30 minutes I lose these bands. The radio goes 
deaf (+no tx pwr) between 14.500 and 21.999, and these frequencies correspond 
to a band change relay clicking in, so I assume there is maybe a fault with 
either a relay or possibly something in the LPF network corresponding to this 
frequency range.

I'm looking at putting it into a shop for repair, but if it is simply a matter 
of replacing a relay etc, I'd prefer to have a go myself.

If anyone is familiar with the radio, and has some ideas, please e-mail off 

"To get back on topic, I had a listen in the EQP at the weekend between 
operation in the Commonwealth Contest. The only station heard was KD5OMS (from 
memory), calling on 40m, but he had stopped by the time I had connected up the 

Regards all and apologies again for the off topic post

David, Vk2NU
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