Ed, WA3WSJ wrote,

We plan to start the hike on the AT near the Delaware River at the NJ
line. From there we will hike into the DWG also known as  Worthington
State Forest. We will climb the AT some 900' and camp some three miles
into the Kittatinny Mountains at a campsite with a view. We should end
up at an elevation just over 1300' overlooking the Delaware River. >I will also hike the extra mile or so and visit Sunfish
Pond as I would like to see it too.

That is a beautiful hike and you will have a few great spots from which to hang an antenna. My wife and I (and Norcal 40) did this hike back in 1999 and we're looking forward to reading your report. I'll be listening for you guys.


John Harper AE5X
Portable QRP: http://www.ae5x.com

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