Callsign: N7ON State: Nevada Rig: K2/100 S/N 5023 Power: 100w Antennas: 80/20m--low loops; 40m--1/4w vertical.
QSO's: 68 QSO points: 277 S/P/C: 46 Power mult: x1 Score: 12,742 QSO'S: 5pt 2pt 80m: 6 1 (7 total) 40m: 18 15 (33 total) 20m: 23 5 (28 total) ______________________ QSO's: 47 21 (68 total QSO's) Points: 235 42 (277 total QSO points) Multipliers: 80m: 4 40m: 19 20m: 23 ________ Mults: 46 Score: 277 pts x 46 mults x 1 pwr mult = 12,742 Soapbox: Nice to work so many Elecraft operators. 21 non-Elecraft QSO's, which led to more ragchews within a short period than I've had since my Novice days. That's fine, though--it was pleasant chatting with other operators, and the EQP provided the chance to expose more ops to Elecraft gear. We're all "Elecraft Ambassadors" during EQP. Poor band conditions, sorry to have been forced to send "No copy" or "Later" all too frequently. I completely agree with the power multiplier--QRP stations deserve all the recognition and awards in the EQP. WD7Y was also very active, so I hope ops needing Nevada worked one of us. Speaking of EQP W.A.S., if you worked KH6/N7ON during ARRL DX CW, you worked my K2/100. Kudos to KL7CW--successful QSO's on 20m and 40m, great job from Alaska. FB EQP Elecraft signals, nary a chirp, hum, nor buzz. 73, John _______________________________________________ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page: