Hi Guys

Can someone give and advice on my filter calibration on SSB, if I am on the right track.

I have been looking through all the mail on filter calibration and have now got it clear, that I will use FL1 only for TX and have focused on getting the K2 to sound "good" (a very subjective thing I know). Then FL2-4 used for RX.

FL1 are tuned by listening to the TX from K2 on my FT817 and changing the BF until the sound are good. (all of this done due to reports I have received telling that I sounded very sharp.. In audio that is J. )

FL2-4 have then been tuned based on TX from FT817 listening on K2 RX, to make the sound ok. After that the result are checked with spectrogram using the N-gen as input.

The result is found in a word in the following location:


No my concern are as I use PSK31 a lot, if I am going to be in trouble using FL2-4 as RX filter, when FL1 are used. With the alignment I have tried here.

I seem to have a issue in LSB, where I can not set the BF any lower then what it is now, but maybe ok as it sound ok.

This is my second filter calibration. The first was done only using spectrogram for all filters.

Thanks in advance



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