Steve wrote:
No, I wrote correctly.  25 FARADS.

But, this is SMALL in comparison.  Elna offers 600F @ 2.5V.  About 5" long x
1.5" diameter!

YES, 600 Farads.  I kid you not.  I did a double-take on this one.  Really!


Hmmm ... I wonder what the inductance of the 600F cap is? If it's really low, and you could short the terminals with a screwdriver at 10 milliohms, that would be a pulse of a couple hundred amps, and likely a large electrical display. Conversely, if it is discharged, you probably wouldn't want to connect it directly across a 2.5V power supply. I believe capacitors like this are used in the hot rods that boom down the road with multi-hundred watt amplifiers. I'll ask our oldest grandson ... such electronics take up the whole trunk of his car.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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