Keith KD1E wrote:
When I got back into the hobby last fall I needed a clock.  I looked at some
fancy ones but ended up buying a radio shack travel alarm clock. It displays
24 hour time, is easy to read & set and even has a thermometer built in so I
can see temps like 58F at the operating position.

I think it cost less than $20 - I don't recall.  It is one of those great
little accessories that I'm really glad I bought.


Yours has a thermometer?!? Guess I should upgrade my old RS travel clock I
bought 8 or 9 years ago now. Problem is, the original AAA battery is still
good, so I'll put it off for now.

WWV updates it too. I tune in WWV on the shorwaves (Everyone remember how to
do that with a K2? You press BAND+ and BAND- at the same time, then enter
1000.00 on the keypad on the right) and there's WWV telling me what time it
is. I have to set my RS clock every month or two to keep it accurate to the

Bet Keith's has the same great feature for setting it. "Shortwaves" are fun
and handy... Y'all check 'em out! 


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