michael taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Perhaps a not so obvious feature, if it is true, is through the use of
either KAF2 or KDSP2 hams listen at a "safer" volume with less risk of
further hearing lost, by helping our brain by filtering out at least
some of the noise before the brain tries to decode the signal,
allowing comfortable listening at a lower volume because your brain is
not "working" as hard to separate out the signal from as much noise.

I don't know, I am just wondering if anyone agrees or disagrees with
that aspect of using additional "hearing aids".


Wearing the "cans" in front of one's ears as noted by Jim W4BQP has saved my ears during almost 60 years of operating. As for audio filtering etc, in another receiver I use a form of "stereo" audio circuitry, with low pass filters in each channel to reduce noise, plus some other trickery. The result is akin to being at a party with conversations being held in various parts of the room, some from the left others from the right, some from the front and others from behind. This really helps the brain to search out and lock onto a particular person's chatter (the desired signal). Unfortunately I have had better results using two product detectors rather than one with audio phasing, to produce the two audio inputs, so such a system could be difficult to add to the K2. But there is always the K3!


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