Since "one size" does not fit all noise sources, I believe that what you
suggest is not practical.
It may be that something could be done to provide the most useful noise
reduction for "average noise", but the closest to that right now would
be the default settings in the K3/K3S.
If you do not know what the default settings are, save your K3/K3S
configuration, then do an EEINIT (Reset to Factory Defaults), then look
at the NB and NR settings. Finally load the saved configuration file
and then set the NB and NR settings to the defaults that you recorded.
Be aware that some of the settings are per band, so you will have to
check them on each band.
That will give you a "one button" NB and NR as you might find in many
other amateur transceivers.
I am glad that the K3/K3S offers adjustability for the NB and NR
parameters. It does take some study to learn how to use the parameters
provided, but if you do that study, you will be rewarded with good noise
reduction for most any type of noise.
On 8/22/2017 4:07 PM, Peter Alterman wrote:
Reading Drew's (AF2Z's) comment,
"The single most important feature that would get me to spring for a K4
would be advanced noise abatement controls. I have little idea how the
NR & NB work, but strictly from the user standpoint instead of scrolling
through a small assortment of fixed presets I envision several
continuously variable controls that would allow us to adjust the several
noise limiting parameters. Perhaps having some kind of graphical display
showing a dimensional representation of the noise parameter space and
the noise itself would help in zeroing in on the best noise reduction..."
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